Cutting-Edge Facility

Our 3D x-rays and CBCT Dental Scans are safe with low dose radiation. You need not worry anymore about being exposed to radiation. The Soft Tissue Lasers used to treat gum disease and de pigmentation provides bloodless surgery with a comfortable experience.

Comfortable Office

Enjoy the lushness of greenery surrounded by fish tanks, an outdoor and indoor seating areas while you are at our office. A relaxing and stress-free environment to be in.

No waiting time

We respect your time and schedule appointments with minimum waiting time and delays.


About Dental Square

We aspire to become the best dental clinic in Colombo, fostering a community of informed and empowered individuals who prioritize dental health as a cornerstone of their well-being. Our cutting-edge technology and unwavering commitment to continuous learning for both our team and our patients form the bedrock of our vision.

As dental health professionals, we are committed to providing comprehensive and informed care to each of our patients. We believe in tailoring treatment plans to fit individual needs, ensuring that every patient fully understands the recommended procedures. At Dental Square, we prioritize patient education and informed decision-making, ensuring that no one receives treatment without a thorough understanding of their options. Our patients' dental health is our paramount concern, and we strive to provide the highest quality care in a hygienic and comfortable environment.

Why are dental health tips important? Maintaining good dental health should be part of your overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent dental diseases leading to long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your dental health is essential for your self-esteem and confidence.


Comprehensive Dental Services

All of our treatments and services are provided in a comfortable, spa-like clinic, designed according to high-quality standards.

Dental Anxiety

We offer a range of services to help you overcome fear and finally enjoy good oral health.

Missing Teeth

We can restore your smile, as well as speaking & eating ability with advanced prosthetics.

Tooth Pain

Toothache can be caused by various problems. An examination can help to determine it.

Periodontal Disease

We offer a variety of periodontal treatments, customized for your specific health needs.

Request an Appointment

Fill out the form below and we will contact you during our working hours.


    10% Off Dental Implants

    • Permanent solution for replacing missing teeth
    • Natural function and appearance
    • Improved chewing and speaking abilities

    +94 77 777 9437

    Call Us Today!

    Book Appointment

    33, Peterson Lane

    Colombo 06, Sri Lanka