Implant Dentistry

Dental implant solutions have become the most sorted treatment option to replace missing teeth today and widely used in mainstream dentistry across the globe.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is an artificial replacement for a tooth root, usually made from titanium. There are many different implant systems available and at Dental square we competently use and deliver highly reliable and predictable implant treatment with life time warranty.

An implant is placed into the jaw bone in order to establish contact with the surrounding bone by means of which there will be further bone growth onto the implant, gaining the stability required to support crowns, bridges or over dentures.

Are you eligible for dental implants?

A good, healthy mouth is key to Dental implant treatment, as we at Dental Square, want you to have definitive predictable treatment. Adults with good oral and general health qualify to have implant treatment with ease as they can only be used once the jawbone has stopped growing and so generally are not used with younger patients.

Habits such as smoking can increase the number of problems associated with initial healing and might be bad for the long-term health of gum and bone surrounding each implant. Medical conditions can be of a concern too.

However, each case is different and if you do have any medical problems then speak to us about it during your consultation appointment. It is only in some circumstances that health problems prevent the use of dental implants altogether. There can be relative contra indications which the Dental Surgeon can deal with to give you implant based fixed solutions for your missing teeth.

Consultation Visit

At your initial consultation we will assess the possibilities of providing implant treatment. At this interaction you may have questions concerning your medical history and its’ relevance to implant treatment both long term and short term. A complete examination of your mouth is carried out to make a dental diagnosis of the existing dentition. Generally, x-rays, dental scans, photographs and impressions of the mouth will be taken, so that these can be examined after your visit.

These x-rays, dental scans and models will be used to arrive at a detailed treatment plan. The optimal position for an implant, the number of implants needed and the need for bone grafting will be established.

At this first appointment we try to educate you on the importance of good oral hygiene and propose the treatment plan with prerequisites for oral prophylaxis etc. You will be made aware of which problems are urgent, and what treatment is required to stabilize any gum- or tooth-related problems. An outline of how your particular implant treatment might be approached will be briefed to summarize.

Outline of the Implant Treatment Process

In general, the implant treatment procedure involves several stages that takes place over a period of time from three to six months, depending on the protocol under taken which is subjective.

The stages involved typically are:

  • Consultation for Implant treatment: At the initial consultation, following thorough examination and discussion of all possible alternatives, you will be assessed on the possibility of providing implant treatment. Photographs, X-rays/scans will be taken and models of the teeth prepared.

  • Implant placement: Implant placement is a relatively simple minor surgical procedure that can be performed under sterile conditions in a dental surgery. The treatment is performed under local anesthesia with sedation if required. If, during assessment, the underlying bone is deemed deficient, a number of options are available for bone regeneration. Bone regeneration is carried out prior to or at the same time as implant placement depending on requirements.
  • Healing period: Implants can take from six weeks to six months to integrate with the patient’s bone. During this integration period, temporary dentures or temporary crown/ bridge can be worn as appropriate. In some cases, temporary teeth can be fixed to the implants while they integrate in a process known as ‘immediate loading’, which is subjective again.
  • The restorative phase: As integration is done, the implants can be restored to function. These will be definitive restorations ranging from a single crown to a full arch bridge. The restorations can be of a material of choice depending on your aesthetic need and type of restoration.

  • Follow up & Maintenance: Following completion of implant treatment, the patient must follow the maintenance protocol proposed. You need to regularly and thoroughly clean the new teeth (restorations) as instructed. Both maintenance of the restorations and the natural teeth are equally important for the life of your implants. A review protocol will be proposed to you at the end of treatment and your follow up visits to Dental Square is essential so that the health of the soft tissue, bone levels and the integrity of the restoration can be reviewed.

All on Four

All on 4 dental implants is a treatment which allows a whole set of new teeth to be supported by just 4 implants. This concept was developed by Dr Paulo Malo and practiced globally. In this concept , 4 implants are positioned at precise angles and special connections are made to support and stabilize your implant bridge.

How is All on 4 Different to Normal Dental Implant Treatment?

All on 4 dental implants are unlike traditional implants because 4 implants are used to sustain a whole arch, when usually between 6 and 10 implants are needed to maintain an arch. All on 4 dental implants are able to sustain an arch because of the angles the implants are positioned at, with the back implants positioned at an angle rather than straight at 90-degrees, which helps to distribute the forces, while spreading the teeth to the back. All on 4 is also a solution provided for those with poor bne levels as an alternative to bone grafting and implant placement.

All on Four Procedure

During the consultation visit, it will be assessed if you can have All on 4 dental implants. If the treatment mode suits you, we will explain how the treatment works and arrange an appointment to place the implants.

The procedure of placing the implants include a special surgical technique in placing implants at specific angles. This placement is designed to provide better support and anchorage and facilitate the healing process. Abutments will then be attached at time of surgery. Abutments are small devices that connect the implants to the new restorations. Once the abutments are secured, the temporary restorations will be attached.

You will need to attend regular appointments, so that the progress of the treatment can be assessed time to time. After around 4 to 6 months the implants will have healed and integrated into the bone fully and your permanent restorations can be fitted.

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Colombo 06, Sri Lanka