Paediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry in Colombo for Infants, Toddlers and Children

At Dental Square, we are passionate about nurturing healthy smiles for children. Led by the experienced Dr. Ayesha Thajudeen, our team of pediatric dentists is dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care tailored to your child's unique needs.

We understand the importance of establishing a positive dental experience for children from a young age. Our child-friendly environment and gentle approach ensure that your child feels at ease and comfortable throughout their visit. We strive to build strong relationships with our young patients, earning their trust and making them excited about maintaining a healthy smile. Our all-in-one approach means your child receives comprehensive dental care under one roof, treated with the same love and attention we'd give our own.


How to Prepare Your Child for Their Appointment. . .
  • Please discuss the positive aspects of dentistry to your child. A dental visit is part of growing up. Explain that the dentist is friendly, and will be happy to see them. He/She will “look, count, and clean” their teeth.
  • We recommend you avoid telling your child that the dentist “will not hurt,” as this may have never entered their minds. We recommend you avoid using words such as needle, shots, drills, or others that may create fear or anxiety.
  • Dental treatment and materials have improved over the years, making most dental procedures pain-free. When parents or siblings share their past dental experiences with a child, they often create unnecessary fear and anxiety.
  • If you’re unsure how to answer your child’s questions, simply tell him/her that you don’t know. Encourage your child to ask these questions when he/she arrives in the office.
  • If your child has a favourite toy or book, take it along. Feel free to let the dentist know if there is anything that they can do to help make your child at ease.
  • Please don’t be upset if your child cries during the visit. This is a normal coping mechanism for younger children to deal with the unknown. Please be prepared to let the dental team talk to your child while you observe quietly. Too many people talking at the same time will confuse the child and increase anxiety.
  • The dental team will provide individualized and compassionate care to your child in a warm and supportive environment. Laughter and lightheartedness are the norm in pediatric dental care, With the help and cooperation, of the dental team and understanding parents.
  • We  are confident your child will leave Dental Square with healthy teeth and positive feelings towards  dental treatment if handled well from day 01
  • Years of experience has shown us that the greatest thing you can do to prepare your child for their first visit is to simply expect them to do well!

+94 77 777 9437

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33, Peterson Lane

Colombo 06, Sri Lanka